In preparation for color treatments, we first painted our tabletop cities white - perfect for really seeing the forms and proportions we created. Girl Power architects and city planners at work.
We got off to a great start at East Mater Academy with lots of great new students and some of last year's Art Stars. The Cardboard City project is taking off and everybody is having a great time with it. If you happen to have friends at Mater who might be interested in joining our after-school group, we still have room for about 3-4 more students.
A great new group of kids at Mater Academy, plus some of our Brick by Brick veterans, teamed up to develop their tabletop cityscapes. These scaled down models of urban spaces are helping us to become sensitive to architecture, construction and urban planning. Stay tuned...
Artists Michelle Weinberg and Nereida Garcia Ferraz introduced the concept of small scale city models or maquettes to the groups at Girl Power in Liberty City. After establishing the differences between two-dimensional and three-dimensional, we began constructing a 3D cityscape using a ubiquitous 2D material - corrugated cardboard. After demonstrating a few basic cutting and building techniques with the group, they were off. Shortly, an amphitheater with sky box, towers and shops, public parks, streets and more were made. Next, the tabletop sets will be painted and documented by the girls with video and still photography, emphasizing the drama of architectural forms. Stay tuned for more great projects by both Girl Power and Mater Academy teens in the coming months!