Saturday, February 26, 2011

Public Intervention in Little Havana

We found an empty lot in Little Havana and decided to experiment with our Box/Bricks, some colored tape, recycled bungee cords and the space itself.

We took the bricks back with us, but left the tape installation as a contribution to the community. Definitely added some color to the neighborhood!


  1. i had an awesome time in little havana

  2. I really liked the part where i luanched elvis with that bungee cord -Nicolas

  3. To me, it looks like the boxes placed in the vacant lot are models for a new public construction project in progress. Fantastic! - michelle

  4. lots of fun we got to use the things around us to halp make things with the boxs. we used rope,rocks,plants even an abondend old stop sigh. lots of fun.
